Her Treasures

Libby's Lace Ups (1930's) (click image above to enlarge)

Libby's Confirmation Bible (1941) (click image above to enlarge)

The Matriarch (Grammy Bush, circa 1910) (click on the image above to enlarge)

Copper Canister (click image above to enlarge)

Family Crystal (click image above to enlarge)

Grammy's Watch (click image above to enlarge)

Shiny Brites (1940's) (click image above to enlarge)

Libby's Gloves (click image above to enlarge)

Grammy Bush's Cookie Cutter (molasses cookies) (click image above to enlarge)

The Dinner Horn (tin, purhased in 1899 for 15 cents) (click image above to enlarge)

Aunt Hattie's Spectacles (click image above to enlarge)

Libby's Diary (1938-1942) (click image above to enlarge)

Libby's Treasures (various family heirlooms) (click image above to enlarge)

The Brownie (the family's first camera) (click image above to enlarge)

Copper Cow Bell (click image above to enlarge)

Candle Mold (click image above to enlarge)

Aunt Hattie's Dress I (click image above to enlarge)

Whiting & Davis Bag (click image above to enlarge)

Precious Memories (click image above to enlarge)

Jim's Sombrero and Chaps (click image above to enlarge)
My Aunt Lib was like a mother to me. I grew even closer to her during her last years of life. A lover of antiques, she held onto cherished family objects. As I grieved, I photographed many of Her Treasures helping me to feel even closer to her spirit. Using an in-camera glow technique gives the images a surreal appearance. All were processed in sepia tones creating a sense of timelessness. These ordinary objects are memorialized in a very personal way.